Debra L. Bunger MD
Board Certified in Both Psychiatry and Integrative Holistic Care
"Natural and Pharmaceutical Solutions to Brain Disorders"
Dr. Bunger is not accepting new patients at this time.
For questions regarding unused medication disposal, please contact your local law enforcement agency.
Dr. Bunger currently checks the texting phone, voicemail, and fax inbox at least twice a day Monday through Friday and occasionally on the weekends. Also, when texting for an appointment please make sure to confirm your appointment time quickly, as appointments are booked quickly.
Please send completed forms to:
Current Patients
If you would like to schedule your next appointment please call us or send us a text message with your first name and last name and when you would like to schedule your appointment at
(831) 278 - 1727.
VSee Appointments
VSee is an online video communication system. It works similarly to Skype and FaceTime but is HIPPA compliant. We offer VSee appointments after your second visit if that is convenient for you and with the doctors permission.
In order to schedule a VSee appointment you must have a signed Consent for Telemedicine on file with our office.
Read through the VSee Directions for step-by-step instruction on setting up a VSee account.
Cancelling an Appointment
If you would like to cancel your appointment please send us your request via text message or call us at (831) 278 - 1727.
We can cancel appointments without issuing the late cancellation fee as long as they are received within two full business days. Business days do not include weekends.
If you are late for your appointment, or cancel with less than two full business days notice, you will be charged a late cancellation fee. This fee must be paid before a new appointment can scheduled.
Patients that miss their appointments without notifying the office will be charged a "no show" fee of $35 – $100 depending on the length of the appointment. Patients with three missed appointments may be discharged from the practice.
The fee for a late cancellation or a no show for the initial evaluation is $100.